Full Version: Default Password for New Pine64 KDE Plasma CE?
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Just received my phone, super excited to dig into it.  First issue I had was changing the PIN from default, it requires me to enter a password.  I tried the default PIN 123456 but that didn't work.  What can I enter here to be able to change the PIN?  Thanks
You could change the login code from 12345 to something else without putting in sodo in. the super user will be the same login to whatever you change your new password to
(01-22-2021, 12:24 PM)robertb1 Wrote: [ -> ]Just received my phone, super excited to dig into it.  First issue I had was changing the PIN from default, it requires me to enter a password.  I tried the default PIN 123456 but that didn't work.  What can I enter here to be able to change the PIN?  Thanks
You could change the login code from 12345 to something else without putting in sodo in. the super user will be the same login to whatever you change your new password to
i need password for terminal