Full Version: Upgraded to 3G/32G and will not boot if SD card inserted
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I bought the UTce phone back in June and I upgraded recently to the 3G/32G mainboard.  I flashed the eMMC and it runs fine.  If I flash an SD card it will boot and run fine.  However, if I use the eMMC with a storage only SD card inserted then it gives me a red light and never boots.  

My guess is that the phone sees the SD card, cannot see anything to boot, but then doesn't switch to the eMMC.  Is there a config I need to edit or some package I need to retrieve from the old mainboard?
Wow, I thought I searched well for the fix then the "related threads" when I posted had the answer. Because I used that SD card previously (on my original mainboard) as bootable SD card it still had a remnant u-boot sector. This link gives the terminal command to fix it:

I inserted the SD card to my laptop, used lsblk to confirm the device, then ran "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1024 seek=8 count=2048". Afterward I did need to reformat the SD card, so ensure you have a fresh backup available.