Full Version: Todays Manjaro CE Update Broke my AT&T Data
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Pretty much what the title says.

Today my Manjaro CE Pinephone showed a bevy of software updates waiting to install. I hit install and checked later and it looked like it was working. When I left the house I found out my mobile data is dead.

I put in a Sailfish OS SD Card, booted, and mobile data works great. (so its not the sim card).

Pulled the SD card and booted back to Manjaro, and: no mobile data.

So clearly this update killed mobile data for me.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?

I'm not a Manjaro expert, but I did run Vector (Slackware) for years, if anybody has any ideas on what to look for.

I'm actually suspecting something like an insmod statement is missing or something. Thoughts?

Any help would be appreciated.
So today I thought I'd try KDE Plasma on an SD card since the default Manjaro CE broke.

I loaded up Manjaro-ARM-plasma-mobile-dev-pinephone-201107.img and all was good. It was pretty but had lots bugs, so I let it update. After updating I rebooted.... and it's dead. So I pulled the SD card, and now Majaro CE (factory install on emmc) won't boot either.

That's great. I'm having trouble finding an updated list of OS's for the phone. Hopefully I can reflash the factory load.

I had it just about perfect when mobile data died. *sigh*
Pretty happy with the November 14 2020 image. Now it wants to update firefox from .82 (which works near perfectly) to .83, which is a p.o.s.. Looking for a way to retain firefox .82, after the OS updates everything else.
Look into pacman ignore options. In pacman.conf, the Options section. Even if you use the GUI software manager, pacman is underneath. An example from my desktop machine:

IgnorePkg=thunderbird # cause TB 78 is a user nightmare


Thanks! I added firefox!

I also found my mobile data issue needed NXTGENPHONE added as an APN.
Everything works now!