Full Version: Buying used vs next pre-order of Manjaro Convergence?
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Hello, pardon if this is the wrong place to post this. I see Manjaro KDE Pinephone is what is now offered in the store for pre-order. If a buyer specifically wanted the Manjaro Convergence package, is finding one on the used market pretty much the only option right now? Any projections on the next pre-order availability of Manjaro Convergence Pinephone?
thank you
Seems like that's going to be the case, yes.
But I don't really think you should worry too much about it, the only differences are the OS they're running on and the back cover, both of which can be user replaced.
Apart from that, the next phone isn't a Manjaro KDE edition, it's just KDE edition.

If still unsatisfied, you might find a used phone online, I've seen many people who bought one being disappointed and sold it after very slight usage.
(12-06-2020, 05:25 PM)ryo Wrote: [ -> ]Seems like that's going to be the case, yes.
But I don't really think you should worry too much about it, the only differences are the OS they're running on and the back cover, both of which can be user replaced.
Apart from that, the next phone isn't a Manjaro KDE edition, it's just KDE edition.

If still unsatisfied, you might find a used phone online, I've seen many people who bought one being disappointed and sold it after very slight usage.
OK, thanks! yeah, showing my noob-ness being concerned about what's installed Smile  I found a Manjaro convergence package used and made the purchase, looking forward to checking it out. thanks for the quick reply.