Full Version: Manjaro ARM disfunction
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Good morning all.
I received a Pinephone 3GB Manjaro ARM 64-bit GNOME 3.38.1 Wayland 3 weeks ago.
I don't know how to access the version of Manjaro
I have the following difficulties:
  1. The autonomy is ridiculous: 24 hours in full standby. By exclusively using the "power" application, it displays an instantaneous power demand of more than 3W for a voltage of 3.9V, which would empty a battery of 3000mAh in about 4 hours ... The battery does not seem to be involved but rather the consumption of the device.
  2. When I try to make a call and it does not succeed (off-network), when I recover a network, I have to reboot the phone to be able to make a call.
  3. During a call, my correspondents can hear me weakly.
  4. When I receive a call (the phone wakes up), the ringtone does not ring for 5-10 seconds.
  5. When I get a text message, the notification is displayed but I cannot open it to read it. I have to wait for one or two more text messages to be received before I can open it …
  6. The calendar app is unusable: the buttons are so small I would need a stylus to reach them. I wrote down an appointment, it displays with a character size of 1mm, unreadable without a magnifying glass and cannot be enlarged.
  7. Some applications, such as "File History & Trah" have a display that overlaps the screen and is not crollable, therefore unreadable.

The phone offered me an update which I accepted, believing it would improve operation. The operation has not changed, however, I cannot find a trace of this update …

Manjaro gives me the feeling of being a distribution intended for the desktop, on which the developers added "quickly" a phone app and an SMS app, and that the development of the latter two is not complete …

What can I do now, knowing that I only started learning linux last night?
Update Manjaro if there is a version for which these bugs have been fixed?
Install another distribution, proven and with which this phone would be compatible? Does it exist?

Thanks for your attention.
I'd encourage you to try them all. They are available in the pinephone wiki. But in my opinion, Mobian is the most functional at this time.