Full Version: Random crashes
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I'm using the mrfixit stretch on the eMMC that it was shipped with (in January).  Twice today I picked it up and it had shut down and rebooted.  Once I was typing something and it happened so I got to see it.  It froze for a couple seconds then rebooted.  I have it set to boot to a command line so if I leave it in X and come back to a command line something happened.

Using the original power supply but the battery is still in it and working, shouldn't be that.  It seems to always reboot and come back up, it doesn't turn off.
I just turned on persistent logging, we'll see what happens.  One thing I notice after it does this is that I never have to fsck the partitions I was using.  It's more like it's doing a shutdown and unmounting stuff first than a regular crash.  I have an nvme drive that Isn't bootable yet so I manually mount it, it always mounts fine without fsck, and the partition I'm using is ext4.

Looking at a few log files and trying to paste to pastebin with no success so far.  Is 1.5 MB too big?

This may be a recent thing, back in the summer I was doing audio recordings for hours at a time until the battery went dead with no sign of crashing.

I would expect to see something consistent  (to indicate what it's crashing in) at the ends of the logs but I'm not.  Free accounts at pastebin are limited to 512k pastes so I trimmed off some from the beginning.  One seemed like a problem with upower, this doesn't.

I did:

journalctl -k -b -1 -o export > exp2.txt
Well, I accumulated 33 of these and tried some to see a common cause with no luck. So I posted a question on the Debian forum asking if there's a program to analyze these logs.

It's going down about once a day on average now.