Full Version: Rock64 enable 1-wire to read DS18B20 or Dallas temperature sensor
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How is the 1-wire bus enabled on a Rock64 ver 2 with Armbian 20.08.17 Bionic? I have enabled the w1-gpio through armbian-config. The /sys/bus/w1/devices/ folder is empty after sudo modprobe w1-gpio and sudo modprobe w1-therm. 
Below is what is in the armbianEnv.txt file in the /boot directory.
overlays=i2c7 spi-spidev w1-gpio
In the /boot/dtb/rockchip/overlay/ directory there is a file rockchip-w1-gpio.dtbo.
I have connected the VCC pin of the DS18B20 to 3v3 physical pin 1, ground of the DS18B20 to physical pin 9, data of the DS18B20 to physical 7.
The DS18B20 address and w1_bus_master1 do not appear in the /sys/bus/w1/devices/ folder.
What more is required to see the DS18B20 and take readings?
I have already connected an 18x2 LCD to i2c and am writing information to the LCD using python.
Thank you for the help.
did you managed to get it working ?
(02-09-2021, 02:43 PM){-DesT-} Wrote: [ -> ] did you managed to get it working ?
Good morning. I did not get this working.

Thank you