Full Version: Question: Do I need new beta build?
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I was wondering how to deal with the different releases. As manjaro is based on a rolling release, I would guess that updating via pacman should be enough to keep my phone updated. But maybe having device tree and boot scripts for pinephone are exceptions and I need to reflash whenever there is a new build posted?
Thanks in advance for your information!
(10-23-2020, 01:43 AM)Momomentum Wrote: [ -> ]I was wondering how to deal with the different releases. As manjaro is based on a rolling release, I would guess that updating via pacman should be enough to keep my phone updated. But maybe having device tree and boot scripts for pinephone are exceptions and I need to reflash whenever there is a new build posted?
Thanks in advance for your information!
As with any rolling release, the moment you update you are on the latest version. If they ever change from a rolling release and make stable releases then you may have to re-flash (probably not though) but until then you are totally up to date the moment you run `sudo pacman -Syu`.