Full Version: Any way to disable wake on power connect/full charge? (Arch)
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Hi all, 

I've been using my early adopter PineTab more frequently over the past few weeks and there's a lot to like. There's still a few minor nagging things, like the wake on power connect. Basically I'd like to change the behavior so when I plug in a power adapter or it charges to 100% it doesn't automatically wake from sleep. My hope is this is something that can be handled via software, but I could also see it being something at a deeper firmware level. I'm guessing it's the latter. 

What I tried: 

1. Power manager options (xfce4-power-manager,tlp,etc.) 
2. Changing wake parameters in various locations in /sys/ and similar, no dice. Guessing those I found as likely candidates are read-only state parameters.
3. Looked for possible systemd options
4. Those were my best guesses. I tried searching around but most of what I found were related to WoL or BIOS specifically. There was a post on the gentoo forum but that referenced /proc/acpi which is not present. 

For reference I'm running Arch + i3. 

Thanks in advance!
Dammit! This is what happened to me! I charged it when it was off because it was low-ish, threw it in my bag after and when I came back to it, the device was completely dead. It must have switched on when the power was applied - very weird behaviour! I would definitely disable this if I could...
This is a hardware feature and cannot be changed it seems:
(10-14-2020, 02:31 AM)barray Wrote: [ -> ]Dammit! This is what happened to me! I charged it when it was off because it was low-ish, threw it in my bag after and when I came back to it, the device was completely dead. It must have switched on when the power was applied - very weird behaviour! I would definitely disable this if I could...

Yeah, it can be annoying.

(10-14-2020, 03:10 AM)fsflover Wrote: [ -> ]This is a hardware feature and cannot be changed it seems:

Darn, I figured that would be the case.

Just had a thought, I wonder if there's a way to trap the wake event and have it suspend right after since it's not from a full power-off state.