Full Version: Cant shut phone down
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I have had my own pp for a while and tried all the distros except PMOS because i had ordered a PMOS version for my girlfriend, figuring i could test it when it arrived. 

Well, it arrived!
And.... I can't get it to reboot or shut down.
I don't want to pull out the battery because of the modem firmware corruption possibility. What do i do? 

As far as i can tell phosh prevents shutting down by holding power button, so shutting down through ui is only option.
There is a issue on gitlab around this:

Workaround: open terminal -> sudo poweroff -> enter your password.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
(09-26-2020, 03:22 PM)incyi Wrote: [ -> ]There is a issue on gitlab around this:

Workaround: open terminal -> sudo poweroff -> enter your password.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks, that worked!