Full Version: Not possible to make a bootable SD
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How not agree with you! PhoenixCard is a crap, can't really understand why a development board that can be used with linux and android should use a proprietary tool to flash OS images.
Hi Outlaw,

I understand you're not lucky with the situation, but please do not use infect my topic with your swearing! Your post doesn't bring me any closer to a solution. If you want to swear and complain, please open your own topic.

Well there ya go!  Bit of a hunt around - tried a teeny little USB MicroSD reader - and it worked (from Phoenixcard writer in Windows) !

Got it booting (or seeming to boot) now with Android on the Pine supplied TouchPanel...  Screen flashed Android 64 bit about 10 times - now there's like 800 tiny white vertical lines across the screen.... does that mean anything?
edit : got it booted into Android now... not pretty... Is this my only option if I want to use the 7" Touchpanel? If I'd known there was no Linux support for the Touchpanel - I wouldn't have bought it with my 2 x Pine 2 GB boards... This project was always advertised as an Android AND Linux 64 bit platform...

sorry Mischa if you're offended by my use of coarse language - you probably won't much like my avatar picture either...
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