Full Version: Unable to mount root partition PostmarketOS
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Hello beautiful people! 

I got the new community edition shipped with Postmarket OS, it is a nice! However, I wanted to try different OS, thus I was trying to play smart and I got myself blocked now after I deleted the partition that holds the system file for PostmarketOS, so for now I only have the partition for booting only with no OS file system. 

I read in different threads that I can start my PinePhone on recovery by connecting USB A-C cable, holding the volume up button with the power button, but this didn't work for me. 

I am now considering using Jumpdrive on an SD that I will buy, but I want to see if any of the geeks around can help me to see if this problem can be solved without getting an SD card, just by using a USB cable and computer with Linux system on it. 

The message my phone now stuck in is the logo of PostmarketOS and written under "unable to mount root partition" 

Thanks for your insights and help!