Full Version: Update Python and get gcc?
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Hi guys!

I have a Braveheart phone with UBPorts on it and it comes with a fairly old version of Python installed. Is there a way that I can upgrade Python to the latest version? Also, how do I get gcc on this phone as well, it seems like it's not installed either.

Thank you for your help!
It sounds like you'd be better off with one of the other distros that's more like a normal linux install. UBPorts is intended to be more like a phone OS with a read-only root filesystem that gets rewritten with a new version during OTA updates, and all apps installed via its app store. While you can remount root as read-write and use apt or dpkg to install packages, as I understand it this can cause other things to misbehave.
Ah, I see! That would explain things. In that case, which phone distro would you recommend? I’ll have to go buy an SD card, if I’m not mistaken, in order to install a new OS?

Thank you for your help!