Full Version: Mobile data APN
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So i was hoping this might be handled by the OS and my sim, but i figured why wait, i'll just manually update my apn settings. Im with freedom mobile (canada), so i looked up freedom mobile apn. Couldnt find anything official, but found many blog sites with affiliate ads and such providing info on the matter. I typed in the apn settings and i DID get a data connection! But my browser was acting all glitchy and everything seemed to have overlays trying to adjust to my screen. Not something that happens on wifi. Wondering if APN hijacking is a thing, could an APN be set up to piggy back on my carrier but route it through a third party? Not to be paranoid, but the behaviour was bizarre. Didnt help that the APN settings came from an unofficial site and not my carrier.  Anyway, i cleared it out and went back to wifi. All good for now. Might call my carrier tomorrow and ask. Otherwise it would be interesting if it was all fine and thats just how my pinephone acts on data.