Full Version: Linux Host - QEMU Android Guest?
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We need to run Android as we are in a low bandwidth situation and to be able to download Netflix so we can watch without a fast enough stream we need to use either Android or iOS. In the past I have run Android on a RPi 3B+. But now I have a much more capable RockPro64 board! I know I could dedicate it to Android, but then it is really restrictive from being able to do other things for me.

So, I was thinking maybe the best solution would be to try running Android as a QEMU guest on top of a Debian / Ubuntu base (I could also go Manjaro.... point being a "full Linux base"). Any tips or pointers? Could I just try to use the Android RockPro64 image directly with QEMU? Or is there another way to go about this? I have also looked at Netflix in Anbox but that isn't working so well, even with the Google Play store also installed in Anbox.

Thanks for any advice.