Thank you for all the effort in such a short amount of time!
Glad to have key languages down already.
In a day or two, I'll go though the thread and start adding all translations to Wiki.
Quick reminder - anyone with 'member' status on the forum can log in (using forum creds) and edit the wiki. So, in the future, if you find some errors in a translation simply fix and replace it with a corrected version (maybe also make a note of the correction).
Again, thanks guys!

Glad to have key languages down already.
In a day or two, I'll go though the thread and start adding all translations to Wiki.
Quick reminder - anyone with 'member' status on the forum can log in (using forum creds) and edit the wiki. So, in the future, if you find some errors in a translation simply fix and replace it with a corrected version (maybe also make a note of the correction).
Again, thanks guys!