11-19-2018, 01:55 PM
(11-19-2018, 11:40 AM)damosan Wrote: ...is a subjective thing of course.
I got my Pinebook late last week and got to play with it quite a bit over the weekend. I did some light tweaking here and there (disabled autoload of Firefox for one) and got some basic tools (compilers and editors) up and running. All in all the performance is about what I expected but the experience can probably be improved with a more lightweight windowing environment.
Thankfully there are a number of options available. For those of you who tried these other OS offerings what would you suggest I look into first?
The wireless is a bit funky at first, and I haven't tried to get the sound working yet, but the Preview 2 build of Manjaro ARM LXQT is a nice balance between performance and presentation in my book.
I'm currently running it off the microsd card (I think my eMMC module is bad). Connected to wifi with htop and chromium running for the last four hours and sitting at 52% battery remaining, and less than 600 megs of RAM in use.
I'm mostly a Debian guy, so I'm hoping the Armbian builds catch up for my convenience, but this is a solid showing from the Manjaro team in my estimation. Might have to hone my pacman skills...

A64, SOPINE, Rock64, RockPro64, Pinebook1080p, Pinebook Pro, Pinephone, Pinewatch dev kit, Pinetab, Pinecil, Pinenut, Quartz64, Pinephone Pro, and PineNote (so far)