(Cluster) Modified Playbox Enclosure Progress
Hey all,

Over a YEAR ago, @tllim was kind enough to supply me with the files I needed to get to messing around with a cluster case/extension idea I had.
Its taken me a year to get my skills up in Blender (not the best tool? But the tool I wanted to use) so I could modify the plan and build an "insert" or "extension" that would clip inbetween the top and bottom of the playbox enclosure.

This would allow me to stack 5 nodes, include a touchscreen at the top, and theres just enough space for a USB hub for power, and a switch.

I've made some progress, so I'm posting what I have, and would love some advice on what I should do about the NIC/HDMI port holes on the side of the "sleeve" that I am building.

Some images for reference included.

The end setup should look similar to this, with the sleeve filling the gap between the bottom and the top:

[Image: Image%202017-06-16%20at%2010.47.51%20PM.png]

So far, I have managed to create the following in blender (length of sleeve to be adjusted), but I'm having trouble with what I should do about the NIC and HDMI holes..

[Image: Image%202017-06-16%20at%2010.50.22%20PM.png]

[Image: Image%202017-06-16%20at%2010.52.33%20PM.png]
i would measure the distance between the top of the bottom nic to the bottom of the next nic. since you are using identical standoffs that distance should be the same for all the others. the same for the hdmi if you want those exposed. then make first template from cardboard or maybe 1/16 or 1/32 inch plexiglass. probably best to use thin cardboard [like they used to put in shirts from good drycleaners] before plexi till your measurements are good. this looks like a great project, think about adding cooling slits at some point in the tower. good luck.
Here's the finished version. $210 to print via Shapeways.

Fits 6 stacked pine64s, fits inbetween the top and bottom of the original playbox enclosure and leaves enough room for a powered USB hub and 8 port switch.

[Image: Image%202017-06-17%20at%203.03.24%20PM.png]
(06-17-2017, 12:05 AM)predominant Wrote: $210 to print

Jesus chr... I was going to say that they had better be printing this using pure gold filament, then realised since you're basing this off the playbox so that it is a rather a large print. What are the approximate dimensions? Still... you could probably buy a printer for around $200-300 that would have the necessary build volume, and then it's only $20-30 for reasonably 1KG PLA/ABS filament rolls...

Fingers crossed that you won't need to make a revised version! :gulp:

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