Hi, I've had my pinebook pro for a few years now and for the most part it did a pretty good job
sadly a few days ago i spilled coffee over the keyboard, and since then i cant get it to boot anymore.
after the spill i shut it down and tried to clean it off as good as i could, without opening up the case.
I started to do some troubleshooting, and hope someone here can help me with that, so that i can fix it, or at least order the proper replacement parts.
I have since opened it up, and noted some coffee stains in the lower shell, but luckily i could not find any on both the boards.
the battery seems to be in order as well, and removing it, closing the jumper and powering from socket produces equivalent results.
the only life sign i can see from the board is a blinking of the orange status light for a while after i (re)connect the flat-band cable to the keyboard
this only happens with the emmc module connected, and the switch enabled. An sd card with an linux image on it alone doesnt allow for blinking, the emmc seems to be necessary for it to occur.
My current theory is that some coffee must have come into the key nipples, shorting them and thus rendering the output unviable, i removed the keyboard from the upper case and tried to wash it as good as possible, it should be dry by know but it didnt help. sadly the keyboard uses a single nipple glued to each key, instead of a silicon mat like most full scale keyboards, so i cant be sure i cleaned it properly.
before ordering a replacement keyboard id like to make sure the mainboard is actually fine, but as the power button is part of the keyboard i dont know how i would be able to test that, is there some other way to power on the board that ive missed?
sadly a few days ago i spilled coffee over the keyboard, and since then i cant get it to boot anymore.
after the spill i shut it down and tried to clean it off as good as i could, without opening up the case.
I started to do some troubleshooting, and hope someone here can help me with that, so that i can fix it, or at least order the proper replacement parts.
I have since opened it up, and noted some coffee stains in the lower shell, but luckily i could not find any on both the boards.
the battery seems to be in order as well, and removing it, closing the jumper and powering from socket produces equivalent results.
the only life sign i can see from the board is a blinking of the orange status light for a while after i (re)connect the flat-band cable to the keyboard
this only happens with the emmc module connected, and the switch enabled. An sd card with an linux image on it alone doesnt allow for blinking, the emmc seems to be necessary for it to occur.
My current theory is that some coffee must have come into the key nipples, shorting them and thus rendering the output unviable, i removed the keyboard from the upper case and tried to wash it as good as possible, it should be dry by know but it didnt help. sadly the keyboard uses a single nipple glued to each key, instead of a silicon mat like most full scale keyboards, so i cant be sure i cleaned it properly.
before ordering a replacement keyboard id like to make sure the mainboard is actually fine, but as the power button is part of the keyboard i dont know how i would be able to test that, is there some other way to power on the board that ive missed?