(02-13-2022, 08:33 AM)dfs Wrote: Hi everyone; long time lurker but it's my first post here. I got a pinephone pro and none of the distributions I tried were able to make a phone call. I tried (in their posh/plasma versions); Manjaro, Mobian, Arch and Postmarketos. While PostmarketOS make it clear phonecalls are broken, I saw here and there people saying the phonecalls were working in the others I tested (while not explaining how...).
Phonecalls do work as expected on my original pinephone with the same sim card.
Did I miss something ? A new setting or package to update ? Updating a firmware like the modem? The more I search and test the more others workings feature are breaking 
any help or explaination would be awesome. even if it's to tell me it never worked; then I could stop searching and just wait for a release claming it fixed it ^^'.
thanks everyone
While I have tested all your described operating systems on my original Pine phones, I have only tried the Pine installed
Manjaro, and the Bookworm version of Mobian on my new Explorer Edition phone. ( so far )
Lots of stuff just did not function on Manjaro, I wanted to give it a chance though, but, It did just feel "unfriendly" to me.
Mobian just feels "friendly & familiar" to me.
YES ! it does have a lot of problems @ the moment.
BUT there is NO magic secret firmware that fixes everything.
>>Number one problem for me and my Explorer, is the crash on suspend !
If I leave it plugged into the charger, I have not had that problem... (30 hours plugged in without a problem)
Not good for a mobile phone, but a "starting point".?
>> I have not been able to update the software the last few days, maybe some great fixes are in those updates ?
Number two problem 'for me', no visible boot indicator LED, it does boot, but you are in the dark while it starts.
I have not attempted hot spot yet, but data is working, I have done a few forum posts with my Explorer while
using cellular data.
SO, for the moment my Explorer is a 'Home phone' but it does do voice calls and sms texts, web surfing.
Before writing this post I called one of my son's for about 45 minutes, he said it was clear on both regular call
and on the speaker ... but that it sounded a little better with the speaker phone turned off. (his words)
I have the microphone volume turned as low as it will go, ---- before going to mute,
and the sound volume @ about 50% -- It is still plenty loud, even for me. ( I am a bit hard of hearing)
I usually just test between my Pine phones, but I wanted to include an outside opinion, within this post.
Nothing special was done, download the OS, flash w/etcher, put the sd card into the phone.
I do make sure all the blanks in settings are filled in, -- 'Regions & Languages' can negatively affect a few things.
I did format the emmc using the 'disks' app on the Mobian sd card.
All of my Pine phones are still using the original modem firmware.
I am not very software savvy, but I have been playing with the Pine phones since the Brave Heart.
Within my limited abilities : I think the hardware is OK, it is just a matter of time & software development.
Good Luck with your new Explorer Pro.
I have one Brave Heart, three PMOS convergent, one Manjaro convergent, one Explorer phones.