Hrs_data file read to convert to HRV
Hello Daniel Thanks that was helpful, I was able to decode the utf-16 format using a python script and found there is only one date and time stamp in the file It is the first 12 characters the rest is just the data is just series of 5 digit integers how does that translate to Heart Rate ? Can you please explain
As I am trying to run some analysis on the heart rate and need to understand the values 
2021;7;23;20;11;18;29858;30447;30447;30447;31008;31008; converted to 7-23-hrs_data.csv
2021;7;22;18;0;19;19362;19362;19356;19231;19231;19246;19308;19308;19306; converted to 7-22-R-D-hrs_data.csv
2021;7;21;21;18;29;16451;16451;16451;16444;16444;16478;16479;16479;16479;16479; converted to 7-22-L-D-hrs_data.csv

Messages In This Thread
Hrs_data file read to convert to HRV - by Mpoint - 06-21-2021, 08:31 AM
RE: Hrs_data file read to convert to HRV - by Mpoint - 08-03-2021, 01:07 AM

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