Lockup during update, force shut down and try again?
Hello, I purchased a used Manjaro Convergence Pinephone package that was allegedly only used for a couple of hours, unknown what occurred during that time. Tried to update first thing as I read that is very important, the phone kept locking up after a few minutes, I was forcing shut down with the power button. Long story short, fixed bad wi-fi at home (weak signal to very strong), finally was able to start an update.

So I just said yes to everything (wanted to get through it before another lock up), update went on for quite a bit, that is, this is the longest I had seen activity without lock up. However, the phone has now locked up without completing the update. Should I just force shut down with the power button and try to update again? Don't know what else, it is locked up anyway Smile
Edit: forgot to mention, the red light is flashing. Not sure if it was doing that in previous lockups.

update: I did force a shut down, keypad would then not show on terminal, tried shut down through normal button, for the first time I got a "something went wrong, log out try again". good!
update: met again with "(unable to lock database)", had found instructions earlier which had allowed previous update to begin. going to run it again:
sudo rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck
sudo pacman -Syu

update: it looked like the update started again where it left off. I again said 'yes' to everything. After update there were many "file is corrupted, do you want to delete it", I said yes a bunch of times then get: "Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded." Going to try update again. The good news is... this is the longest the phone has been on without locking up!

update: ran update again, 255 "checking package integrity", looks like I'm back at the same place: invalid or corrupted package (pgp signature), do you want to delete it
Phone still has not locked up, good!

OK, so again "errors occurred, no packages were updated" How can I update? I did update mirrors before I started all this. Tried again, met with "unable to lock database". Should I be having to run sudo rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck every time?
After several more attempts it seemed to update a little more each time, then jammed up at 47 of 255 upgrades with "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"

Tried again, now getting "warning: could not fully load metadata for package libseccomp-2.5.1-2
error: failed to prepare transaction (invalid or corrupted package)"

I'll have to admit, in my noob-ness just trying to update this new-to-me phone through the terminal before going to any of the flashing procedures (have never done that), as the phone kept locking up and I read in several places how everything is better once you get updated. Unknown update history, the phone may still be as it left the factory. Should I bail out here and start looking at the flashing procedure to update? thanks
Try this:
sudo pacman-mirrors -c (whatever your country is)

This will check for any available mirrors, I have to do this a lot on my Manjaro laptop, though never on any of my Manjaro desktops.

Also try "-Syyu" rather than "-Syu" for a forced update of the package list.
And for failing apps you can update them individually using "sudo pacman -S (app name)".
This last one is pretty important to remember, sometimes Manjaro puts new versions of packages through after their testing phase, then many users start having problems on their computers, and then Manjaro reverses it, and you need to re-install the specific package (so it downgrades back to the previous version) in order to be able to update all the other packages again.
(01-07-2021, 01:10 AM)ryo Wrote: Try this:
sudo pacman-mirrors -c (whatever your country is)

This will check for any available mirrors, I have to do this a lot on my Manjaro laptop, though never on any of my Manjaro desktops.

Also try "-Syyu" rather than "-Syu" for a forced update of the package list.
And for failing apps you can update them individually using "sudo pacman -S (app name)".
This last one is pretty important to remember, sometimes Manjaro puts new versions of packages through after their testing phase, then many users start having problems on their computers, and then Manjaro reverses it, and you need to re-install the specific package (so it downgrades back to the previous version) in order to be able to update all the other packages again.
Thanks ryo, I will get back to this later... I've been routinely (and several times during here) using what I'm used to on my Manjaro PC system: sudo pacman-mirrors -f 3 (it then downloads from 3 different countries, different each time!), I will try that other one. Also have been alternating -Syyu and -Syu. Will look into the sudo pacman -S
OK was going to mess around some more trying to update but all I can get now is flashing red light, which I believe is kernel panic. So, starting to research the flashing procedure (flashing of OS, not the light Smile ), can see right off I may need some hardware accessories. Looking forward to getting this running!

Edit/update: just wanted to post this for any other noobs passing through, checking out threads of interest on Reddit and saw a bunch of comments with general consensus seemed to be to not even bother with the shipped OS (trying to update it), just go right to flashing a fresh install.


still have to get some accessories together to proceed, doing some research...
(01-07-2021, 06:03 PM)tgz Wrote: OK was going to mess around some more trying to update but all I can get now is flashing red light, which I believe is kernel panic. So, starting to research the flashing procedure (flashing of OS, not the light Smile ), can see right off I may need some hardware accessories. Looking forward to getting this running!

Edit/update: just wanted to post this for any other noobs passing through, checking out threads of interest on Reddit and saw a bunch of comments with general consensus seemed to be to not even bother with the shipped OS (trying to update it), just go right to flashing a fresh install.


still have to get some accessories together to proceed, doing some research...

I just flashed the newest release Beta 20. I tried to update with pacman and received an error:

error: pinephone-manjaro-tweaks: signature from "Phillip Mueller (Called Little) <philm@manjaro.org>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/pinephone-manjaro-tweaks-20211220-1-any.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it?

I typed the above in by keyboard (sorry if there is a spelling error).

I did delete that file, started over, and received the same error. I never tried "n" in answer to that question. I tried using the Add/Remove Software GUI. It wanted to update pinephone-manjaro-tweaks-20211220-1. I proceeded and received this error:

invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature):

I tried the advice above in the previous posts and forced an upgrade, but no luck. I tried sudo pacman-key --init, sudo pacman -S manjaro-keyring, sudo pacman -Syyu, and sudo pacman-mirrors -c <"Placed my country here.">.

I'm very new to Manjaro. Is there a fix for this?

(12-22-2021, 03:11 PM)tk1107 Wrote:
(01-07-2021, 06:03 PM)tgz Wrote: OK was going to mess around some more trying to update but all I can get now is flashing red light, which I believe is kernel panic. So, starting to research the flashing procedure (flashing of OS, not the light Smile ), can see right off I may need some hardware accessories. Looking forward to getting this running!

Edit/update: just wanted to post this for any other noobs passing through, checking out threads of interest on Reddit and saw a bunch of comments with general consensus seemed to be to not even bother with the shipped OS (trying to update it), just go right to flashing a fresh install.


still have to get some accessories together to proceed, doing some research...

I just flashed the newest release Beta 20. I tried to update with pacman and received an error:

error: pinephone-manjaro-tweaks: signature from "Phillip Mueller (Called Little) <philm@manjaro.org>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/pinephone-manjaro-tweaks-20211220-1-any.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it?

I typed the above in by keyboard (sorry if there is a spelling error).

I did delete that file, started over, and received the same error. I never tried "n" in answer to that question. I tried using the Add/Remove Software GUI. It wanted to update pinephone-manjaro-tweaks-20211220-1. I proceeded and received this error:

invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature):

I tried the advice above in the previous posts and forced an upgrade, but no luck. I  tried sudo pacman-key --init, sudo pacman -S manjaro-keyring, sudo pacman -Syyu, and sudo pacman-mirrors -c <"Placed my country here.">.

I'm very new to Manjaro. Is there a fix for this?

I powered down the phone and started it back up. I tried "sudo pacman -Syyu" again and it updated fine. I typed "sudo pacman -Syyu" again to make sure. There were no issues and it indicated that "there was nothing to do" so it updated fine. I went back to the Add/Remove Software GUI and tried to update. It said that the software was up to date.

My problem seems fixed now.

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