Getting the Idea to Stick! (Ideation Marketing)
I've gotten speaking about the Pinephone to people down to a very simple pattern across demographics in my urban area:

Quote:I have a new phone (this is either after they ask me to do something a proprietary phone can do, and it can't, or it's a person I'm familiar with)
It's worse than the old one

It works as a phone with calls and texts and contacts
just like regular

AND It doesn't have any Apple or Google, Android or Windows on it
There are no backdoors; no one is able to come in, not even you if you mess up, though you can reset it if something goes wrong

It never does anything against my will
It's sort of similar to a filing cabinet that you have to maintain yourself

look at this camera, it's terrible! *laughs*

After they see it and have the knowledge that it even exists as an option, and don't feel threatened by it and how new it is, I let them know the following:
I don't recommend it for everyday use yet, You'd be interested in it if you're building it or you're testing it right now.

the idea does stick. That's key. Because anyone can search it on their own devices after the idea is there. That's where I see "marketing" the pinephone is at.

I also make it clear that it's perfectly acceptable that they own the apple or google phone and let them know I understand that's where they're at and where they put *their* money Right Now.

It allows people who are just finding out about the whole floss thing and the pinephone thing to come to their own realizations about what it is and not typing them into a box, or an "ideal adopter."  Same for the people who use for-profit tech: it allows them to see for themselves if they WANT to really take it on themselves, and it frees up me having to explain anything. It's more interactive than stereo-typing or selling.

I'm not a marketer btw, these are just conversations that I've been having started by how differently this phone operates

people also LOVE there's no ads on the music I play Big Grin

Messages In This Thread
Getting the Idea to Stick! (Ideation Marketing) - by food - 12-13-2020, 01:23 PM

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