(11-10-2020, 12:23 PM)ThrillGates Wrote: Use pacman in Manjaro (and any other Arch-based distros) with the -Qi flag to QUERY information for an INSTALLED package. Example for phosh below (not sure if that's the actual package name).
Code:pacman -Qi phosh
Thanks @ThrillGates, My daily driver on my desktop / laptop is a Debian based distro, so i'd need to learn some new tricks

I confirm that this command worked for me on my PinePhone that is running Manjaro, using the terminal,
The output included a detailed description showing that Phosh is indeed installed, and also the version and some other details about the package.
I also found out that I could use the same command that I am using on Debian based linux distros, and it shows me the distro name and release, the command is "lsb_release -a"
** So to sum up this thread with the solutions that worked for me:
1. Terminal command for finding out the Distro type and Release:
lsb_release -a
uname -a
2. Terminal command for checking if Phosh is installed (thank you ThrillGates):
pacman -Qi phosh
I hope it helps somebody