Privacy orientated - it isn't running Android or iOS please fill in the gap if this device implies something else?
Except for a keyboard, LoRa, an antenna sticking out of it and no cellular modem there is not much that makes this device distinct or unique. A security orientated device would have fit that criteria but PineCom is not that. I think what's really going on here is that adding a keyboard to the PinePhone has been found mechanically impossible and is too much trouble. Instead of rebuilding the PinePhone components around a new case that includes a keyboard along comes the PineCom. If I'm wrong and a keyboard is coming for PinePhone, then I'm doubly confused about the purpose of this device.
Some of the security orientated items might be:
- RTC clock, hardware RNG, full transparency/inspection of all hardware and software, FPGA perhaps ...
- hardened, cryptography, secured private keys ...
To be honest, I prefer to use standalone LoRa with a rechargeable battery that will run for days which is not something I imagine for PineCom.
Except for a keyboard, LoRa, an antenna sticking out of it and no cellular modem there is not much that makes this device distinct or unique. A security orientated device would have fit that criteria but PineCom is not that. I think what's really going on here is that adding a keyboard to the PinePhone has been found mechanically impossible and is too much trouble. Instead of rebuilding the PinePhone components around a new case that includes a keyboard along comes the PineCom. If I'm wrong and a keyboard is coming for PinePhone, then I'm doubly confused about the purpose of this device.
Some of the security orientated items might be:
- RTC clock, hardware RNG, full transparency/inspection of all hardware and software, FPGA perhaps ...
- hardened, cryptography, secured private keys ...
To be honest, I prefer to use standalone LoRa with a rechargeable battery that will run for days which is not something I imagine for PineCom.