Hardware issue overheating while booting and fail to boot
Re: Bullet64 and dukla2000:
So, I found the serial connection (just to be clear, it is a usb-TTL adapter), and some interesting results were encountered.
First, I followed the the guide from the wiki here (https://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=6387 ).

When the commands that were listed in the linked wiki article were run the results are shown in images 1 and 2 (attached). To be honest, this seemed to be way too few output lines. Even if I got the baud rate incorrect (which would lead to gibberish like what is seen, or at least somewhat similar), there should be way more lines as the system starts up. Not promising. Just in case, should the Baud rate be 1500000 or another number?

I tested some other common rates (110, 150, 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600, 1000000, 3000000), all of them produced varying amounts of gibberish Confused (if you are interested refer to attached image 7 for an example (there was a max of 5 images per post, so I cut the less interesting ones)

I then tried to enter OTG mode, and it looks like the recovery button and the LEDs work. However, the I don't see anything when connected via a usb (tried it in linux and windows) and according to the wiki "In all cases the USB device made available at the host has device ID 18d1:d00d. " That ID does not appear when I use "lsusb" to search the attached usb devices. (If there is a different command I should be using please let me know)

What is interesting to me was that a couple of times I left the serial connection in place with the terminal still recording. Attached image 3 was the full output from plugging the device in then turning it off via the power button. Image 4 is what happened when I followed the recovery mode 1 procedure (hold down recover button then press and release power button. Release recovery button once LED flashes the desired number of times, in my case 1. Then red light will come on.. all of which happened).  What followed was an unending stream of a single symbol (could it be a blinking cursor or something like that?). Whatever it is, it is being continually output to the serial console.....interesting...(not particularly helpful, but hey it is something).

re: dkryder:
Just in case, I will attempt to erase the spi boot flash as you suggested (as soon as a clean up one of my other sd cards to use during that process), and will update on the results when I have them.

If anyone has any other suggestions please let me know (and thanks for all the help so far).

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hardware issue overheating while booting and fail to boot - by DIDquest - 08-22-2018, 01:55 PM

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