12-23-2017, 05:48 PM
(12-20-2017, 11:08 AM)Mrfixit2001 Wrote: Thanks for the quick reply! Hopefully ayufan comments back on when someone should and should not manually install those extra packages listed.
As for boot config, I had no idea that was rpi specific, thank you for that! I'm still learning a lot here. So I'm avoiding the desktop environment for now and sticking to command line, what config commands will work for HDMI configurations without a desktop? For example, forcing HDMI audio, ignoring hot-plug and always outputting thru HDMI, manually setting the default resolution, etc... Xrandr was giving an error about not finding the display... and will the settings persist or do I have to create a startup script to apply after a reboot?
What about using kernel boot params?
Something like video=HDMI-A:1920x1080@60D
Please double check syntax.