DVR, OBDII Loger and more for my car
I messed with an ODB2 Adapter with aurduino and had it working.  The project is pushed to the back right now but it's something I'd love to do.  Here's my wish list.

- LCD or a few with real time info.  speed, rpm etc. these could be fully modded.
- obd2 logging and remote viewing.
- run odb2 testing, get fault codes, more infor on them and the ability to clear.
- GPS .. offline maps?

also as we're talking about the power of a pine64.  so I'd love an entertainment type system, usb/sd/bt playback of audio video.

Let me know if you're interested in collaborating.


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RE: DVR, OBDII Loger and more for my car - by scanff - 12-20-2016, 01:48 AM

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