(02-17-2022, 10:41 AM)pineymousepad Wrote: Is there a proper guide somewhere someone would so kindly please point me to on how to "boot with SD Card"? Is the eMMC adapter required for this?
Seriously I just did an pacman update and it bricked within first week of opening the PBP from the mail.... Wtf? If this system is so vulnerable to bricking from a simple update shouldn't have this shipped with the eMMC adapter??
I assume you are using manjaro.....an update installs a new kernel, BUT only copies the uboot files to /boot
This is NOT installed, you have to do the dd commands to put the uboot files in 1st 16M (idbloader.img, uboot.itb)
So, on emmc, it still has 'old' uboot files, since emmc has priority in initial search these are still what are being used
(not any uboot files on SD)
After uboot loads the search priority changes, a bootable SD ahead of emmc
So, any SD that booted before will still likely boot
You do have a backup SD boot card??? If not, you should
If the old extlinux.conf was renamed to *.bak, then do some re-nameing to use previous kernel, previous extlinux
or else edit new one
NOTE: if you have any other SBC, do not, by accident put a uSD in that will boot, say A64, it will NOT work,
and it WILL soft brick and WILL need a hard reset, hold power button 20+s (from personal experience)
No emmc adapter required, just expand,write suitable image to SD card (I reccomend mrfixit)
ie,,, xzcat some.image.xz |dd of=/dev/sd-card bs=1M....... (zcat if it is gz image)