12-01-2020, 09:45 PM
The above 'Note' is a direct 'copy & paste' from the current Pine phone webpage, not an 'approximation'.
I was there and purchased my Brave Heart in the first minutes they went up for sale in November of 2019.
I am in no way a "Developer" I cannot even use the terminal, but I do spend a lot of time reading the posts on this forum.
I have managed to use my Brave Heart phone 'most of the time' since I started using it, there were a few days, or even weeks back in the early months
of this year, where some or all functions had 'problems'.
There was the longest period from when UBPorts quit, until the early 'Debian with Phosh' (before Mobian) where only sms text was working.
Since the arrival of "the" Mobian operating system there has always been one or more systems that do 'work' but that can require changing from one
operating system, to another...
The Pine phone hardware has been usable, even if not perfect, just some effort finding a working O.S. sometimes.
There are hundreds, maybe thousands of forum members here much more skilled at using Linux than myself.
BUT, Never Once have I Cryed, Whah Whah My cell phone does not work !
Maybe I am LUCKIER than the average Pine phone user.? maybe, but I am not smarter than average.
"OH, but it just stops at this screen" WHAH WHAH
You sit there Crying/complaining ? WTF ... seriously ?
Try re-flashing your sd card or try a different release, maybe try a different Distro. (So many choices) !
* AND There are a lot of friendly forum members here, who will try their best to "help" you have a good experience.
but "Whah Whah it don't work" is Not something that anyone can help you with.
(Currently I do have my original Brave Heart phone, 3 Post market Convergent, 1 Manjaro Convergent phone, They DO work.)
I was there and purchased my Brave Heart in the first minutes they went up for sale in November of 2019.
I am in no way a "Developer" I cannot even use the terminal, but I do spend a lot of time reading the posts on this forum.
I have managed to use my Brave Heart phone 'most of the time' since I started using it, there were a few days, or even weeks back in the early months
of this year, where some or all functions had 'problems'.
There was the longest period from when UBPorts quit, until the early 'Debian with Phosh' (before Mobian) where only sms text was working.
Since the arrival of "the" Mobian operating system there has always been one or more systems that do 'work' but that can require changing from one
operating system, to another...
The Pine phone hardware has been usable, even if not perfect, just some effort finding a working O.S. sometimes.
There are hundreds, maybe thousands of forum members here much more skilled at using Linux than myself.
BUT, Never Once have I Cryed, Whah Whah My cell phone does not work !
Maybe I am LUCKIER than the average Pine phone user.? maybe, but I am not smarter than average.
"OH, but it just stops at this screen" WHAH WHAH
You sit there Crying/complaining ? WTF ... seriously ?
Try re-flashing your sd card or try a different release, maybe try a different Distro. (So many choices) !
* AND There are a lot of friendly forum members here, who will try their best to "help" you have a good experience.
but "Whah Whah it don't work" is Not something that anyone can help you with.
(Currently I do have my original Brave Heart phone, 3 Post market Convergent, 1 Manjaro Convergent phone, They DO work.)
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