IDE megathread - please contribute
Hi, information about IDE's are quite scattered around web and it'd be cool if you shared your experiences with what works, and what does not. I'll start, I'm using Manjaro.

- VS Code -
works, though it's a bit choppy. It's my IDE of choice for C++ together with the "clangd" extension, which provides good autocompletion/find references/find implementation functionalities. Official C++ extension doesn't support ARM, but it's in progress. Clangd is a good replacement.

- KDevelop - I've installed it, though I don't remember how. I've messed with it a bit and then found out about clangd

- RStudio - I'm not aware of anyone installing it on Manjaro due to missing dependencies(whole Haskell, I think). It's possible it works on Debian, though.

Messages In This Thread
IDE megathread - please contribute - by brzegorz - 07-01-2020, 03:23 PM

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