Working linux distribution that supports BT/Wifi on A64

I have one of the Pine64 boards from the Kickstarter project.
I did not use it much and when i did, it was without the Wifi/bt adapter.
I have installed the adapter later and only used Android on it.

It runs on Android, but i want to run a linux distribution that supports the Wifi/BT adapter.

I have downloaded many versions from the Pine64 Page (A64 version) and i did not have any succes for booting it up without any problems.

I have installed a bananaPi version, that runs good, but does not support the Wifi driver.

Trying to install the drivers sepparatly ends up with lack of the Pine64 modules to make the files.

I would like to know, what version is best with GUI and hasslefree. I am not a Linux-guru, so any advice is welcome.

> but i want to run a linux distribution that supports the Wifi/BT adapter.

It depends which. Some simply does not have a working driver under Linux.

Armbian supports many out of the box: (check below: ). That will also be most hassle free. Both modern downloads are CLI - you need to enable GUI via armbian-config -> system
(08-18-2019, 03:36 PM)igorp Wrote: > but i want to run a linux distribution that supports the Wifi/BT adapter.

It depends which. Some simply does not have a working driver under Linux.

Armbian supports many out of the box: (check below: ). That will also be most hassle free. Both modern downloads are CLI - you need to enable GUI via armbian-config -> system


Thank you for the reply. This version works and the GUI is also working.
WiFi = OK
Bt = NOK

It has the Wifi/bt adpater on the Pine A64 board, but is not recognized by the system.
Enabeling the service does not do anything.
Searching for the installation instructions gave me no results.

Any advice?

Well, at least i got the Bluetooth running. I see now a Blue (not greyed) Bt icon on top of the screen.

Now, the issue, it wont connect to devices so far.

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