Rock64 Hardware and Accessories
Important Threads
- Rock64 usb2.0 Power Control Floating GPIO Tutorial Files & Notes (6 Replies)
- How to Setup Serial Console Cable Over the Rock64 SBC (9 Replies)
- RTL8192EU WIFI (12 Replies)
- Mount a HeatSink on the Rock64 using 3M Thermal Tapes (22 Replies)
- Brushless Fan (5v) for Rock64 Clear Case Soft PWM Drive 2N2222 (7 Replies)
- Rock64 Boot-up Bug with Serial Console Cable (1 Reply)
- Inexpensive Clear Plastic Case for the Rock64 SBC (8 Replies)
- Looking for a good display for my RockPro64 RK3399 (0 Replies)
- Schematic simple question (2 Replies)
- Are HW design files available for ROCK64? (3 Replies)
- Rock64 is unreliable after 3 years of service - power problem? (0 Replies)
- Rock64 PoE compatbility with Pi4 Hatt recent Single Board Computer offering from PINE (1 Reply)
- Case for the rock64 that supports the POE hat. (0 Replies)
- 7" LCD on RockPro64 (1 Reply)
- Compatible eMMC modules and benchmarks (7 Replies)
- power connector type please (4 Replies)
- Unterstanding RK3328 UART Interface Register Offsets (1 Reply)
- Woodpecker 3.3V not recognized (1 Reply)
- rock64 totally brick (2 Replies)
- Audio Pot Board Questions (4 Replies)
- Alternative power supply (0 Replies)
- 3D-Printable Button Pegs for the ROCK64 Aluminium Case (2 Replies)
- Where can I find the ROCK64 POE HAT (2 Replies)
- wooden case for ROCK64 (13 Replies)
- Replacement PCIe slot (1 Reply)
- 1wire DS18b20 on Rock64? (6 Replies)
- DAC (ES9023) addon card on other SBCs like rpi? (1 Reply)
- Rock64 4K60P HDR Media Board Computer 64 bit (8 Replies)
- Assembling the premium aluminum case (14 Replies)
- Any way to tell the rock64's hardware revision? (1 Reply)
- Best quick/easy way to control case fan speed? (4 Replies)
- Configuring Python GPIO Pin Control Rock64 (3 Replies)
- 3D Printable Fan Mount Mod for the Open Enclosure + DT/Arduino Sketch for PWMing it (2 Replies)
- POE support for the Rock64 v3 (0 Replies)
- Read battery state (5 Replies)
- USB3 SATA (2 Replies)
- How to enable ES9023-based DAC hat on Rock64? (2 Replies)
- Recovery button (5 Replies)
- [FIXED] AV Acess 4KSW41-KVM 4-port HDMI+USB KVM (2 Replies)
- RS-485 CAN HAT Rock won’t boot (1 Reply)
- Display options for the Rock64 (1 Reply)
- get wifi mt7601u mediatek usb dongle to work (0 Replies)