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Rock64 Hardware and Accessories

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  1. Looking for a good display for my RockPro64 RK3399 (0 Replies)
  2. Schematic simple question (2 Replies)
  3. Are HW design files available for ROCK64? (3 Replies)
  4. Rock64 is unreliable after 3 years of service - power problem? (0 Replies)
  5. Rock64 PoE compatbility with Pi4 Hatt recent Single Board Computer offering from PINE (1 Reply)
  6. Case for the rock64 that supports the POE hat. (0 Replies)
  7. 7" LCD on RockPro64 (1 Reply)
  8. Compatible eMMC modules and benchmarks (7 Replies)
  9. power connector type please (4 Replies)
  10. Unterstanding RK3328 UART Interface Register Offsets (1 Reply)
  11. Woodpecker 3.3V not recognized (1 Reply)
  12. rock64 totally brick (2 Replies)
  13. Audio Pot Board Questions (4 Replies)
  14. Alternative power supply (0 Replies)
  15. 3D-Printable Button Pegs for the ROCK64 Aluminium Case (2 Replies)
  16. Where can I find the ROCK64 POE HAT (2 Replies)
  17. wooden case for ROCK64 (13 Replies)
  18. Replacement PCIe slot (1 Reply)
  19. 1wire DS18b20 on Rock64? (6 Replies)
  20. DAC (ES9023) addon card on other SBCs like rpi? (1 Reply)
  21. Rock64 4K60P HDR Media Board Computer 64 bit (8 Replies)
  22. Assembling the premium aluminum case (14 Replies)
  23. Any way to tell the rock64's hardware revision? (1 Reply)
  24. Best quick/easy way to control case fan speed? (4 Replies)
  25. Configuring Python GPIO Pin Control Rock64 (3 Replies)
  26. 3D Printable Fan Mount Mod for the Open Enclosure + DT/Arduino Sketch for PWMing it (2 Replies)
  27. POE support for the Rock64 v3 (0 Replies)
  28. Read battery state (5 Replies)
  29. USB3 SATA (2 Replies)
  30. How to enable ES9023-based DAC hat on Rock64? (2 Replies)
  31. Recovery button (5 Replies)
  32. [FIXED] AV Acess 4KSW41-KVM 4-port HDMI+USB KVM (2 Replies)
  33. RS-485 CAN HAT Rock won’t boot (1 Reply)
  34. Display options for the Rock64 (1 Reply)
  35. get wifi mt7601u mediatek usb dongle to work (0 Replies)
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