Mount a HeatSink on the Rock64 using 3M Thermal Tapes - Printable Version

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RE: Mount a HeatSink on the Rock64 using 3M Thermal Tapes - daviddyer - 11-03-2019

Well, just got a Rock64 1GB, kind of excited when I saw the specs, but when I "make -j 3" or up armbian will generate a lot of errors (in console and dmesg), maybe because of heat. (make or make -j 2 will go through). And after I rebooted the system... bang! It was dead... Never went up again... will need to physically access the hardware...

I just want to aria2 from source...

I used kirkwood / Rpi (0, 0w, 3B), never had similar problems. 

So disappointed!

RE: Mount a HeatSink on the Rock64 using 3M Thermal Tapes - Rocklobster - 11-03-2019

Try a fresh post outlining your problem. Can you download Armbian Buster, image it to an SD card to see if your Rock64 is functioning correctly

RE: Mount a HeatSink on the Rock64 using 3M Thermal Tapes - ab1jx - 11-29-2019

Maybe it's the power supply instead of heat. Sounds a little like a classic Raspberry Pi on a marginal power supply problem.

You can try: cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp but it's weird, maybe it's not a temperature sensor. On a Raspberry Pi you look at /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp. Divide the number by 1000 for degrees Celsius.